I recently had the incredible opportunity to speak at the ASAE 2024 Conference on a topic that’s close to my heart: “AI Revolution: 45 Game-Changing Uses for Transforming Association Professional Development.” It was a fascinating experience, and I’m excited to share the highlights and the slides from my presentation with you.

The Journey to the Talk

As I prepared for this session, I was struck by how quickly AI technology is evolving. The rapid emergence of new tools and methods is both exciting and challenging, especially in the context of professional development for associations. Initially, I planned to create a traditional PDF handout to complement my talk. However, as I delved deeper into the subject, it became clear that a static document wouldn’t capture the dynamic nature of AI’s impact on our field.

The Pivot: From PDF to Interactive Platform

Recognizing the need for a more interactive and adaptable resource, I decided to pivot away from the traditional handout. Instead, I envisioned a living resource—a website that could grow and evolve alongside the ever-changing AI landscape. This platform allows for continuous updates, sharing the latest insights, tools, and methods while fostering ongoing engagement and collaboration among association professionals.

What started as a straightforward presentation has now blossomed into a thriving community of practice. Inspired by our work on the Engaging Virtual Meetings Academy, this new platform encourages association professionals to share their experiences, insights, and innovative uses of AI in professional development.

Highlights from the Session

During my session at ASAE, I walked the audience through a series of slides that illustrated how AI is reshaping the way we approach professional development. We explored a wide range of applications, from personalized learning pathways to AI-driven content creation. I also had the pleasure of highlighting contributions from several fantastic vendors I met at the conference. Their real-time solutions played a crucial role in shaping my presentation, and I’m deeply grateful for their insights and support.

Looking Ahead

I’m excited about the future of this platform and the community it’s helping to build. The session was just the beginning, and I’m eager to see how this resource will continue to grow and evolve with the input of association professionals like you.

If you missed the session or want to revisit the key points, you can check out the slides from my talk. They’re packed with practical insights and examples of how AI can be leveraged to enhance professional development in associations.

Thank you to everyone who attended the session and contributed to the lively discussion. I’m looking forward to continuing this conversation and exploring the future of association professional development together.

Stay tuned for more updates, and if you haven’t already, I invite you to join this exciting journey as we harness the power of AI to innovate, inspire, and elevate our organizations.
