Welcome to the FCS Artificial Intelligence Community, a dynamic hub dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of practice (CoP) centered around the transformative use of artificial intelligence. Our mission is to empower associations, non-profits, higher education institutions, and various organizations by leveraging AI for professional development, training, and effective business management.

In our community, content is primarily driven by our members, ensuring that the insights and resources shared are relevant and practical. We believe that collaboration is key to innovation, and we actively encourage engagement through gamification techniques that make participation both fun and rewarding. By integrating elements of competition and achievement, we aim to motivate members to contribute their knowledge and experiences, enriching the community as a whole.

We also embrace the diffusion of innovation models to guide our community’s evolution. As the landscape of AI continues to shift and disrupt established norms, we are committed to adapting and incorporating new suggestions and ideas that reflect the latest advancements and best practices. Together, we can navigate the complexities of AI, unlocking its potential to enhance learning, improve organizational efficiency, and inspire creativity.

To bridge theory and practice, vendors and stakeholders, we are also envisioning this CoP as an exciting opportunity to provide challenges seeking unique solutions to real problems. Through our gamified system and the use of sponsors, we hope to reward our community for the knowledge they contribute to defining user-centered solutions that benefit both professional customers and AI product developers.

Join us in this exciting journey as we explore the endless possibilities of AI and collaborate to drive impactful change within our respective fields. Together, we can harness the power of artificial intelligence to not only meet our present needs but also shape the future of our organizations and communities.

How to Contribute

Step 1: Register and Create Your Profile

  • Sign Up: Visit our registration page and complete the sign-up form.
  • Profile Setup: After registering, fill out your profile with relevant information about your interests in AI, expertise, and areas you’d like to explore. A complete profile helps others connect with you.

Step 2: Join Thematic Groups

  • Explore Groups: Browse through the thematic groups available within the community. These groups focus on various applications and discussions related to AI.
  • Join Groups: Select groups that align with your interests and click ‘Join.’ You can participate in discussions, share insights, and learn from others.

Step 3: Engage in Group Forums

  • Start Conversations: Initiate discussions by posting questions, sharing articles, or offering your insights on current AI trends and applications.
  • Participate Actively: Respond to others’ posts, offer constructive feedback, and share your experiences. Engaging with others enhances the learning experience for everyone.

Step 4: Share Resources

  • Curate Content: Whether you’re a knowledge manager or a contributor, feel free to share articles, videos, research papers, and other valuable resources you come across.
  • Provide Feedback: Share your thoughts on existing resources or suggest new additions to enhance the community library.

Step 5: Attend Events and Webinars

  • Participate in Events: Join community events, webinars, and workshops to learn more and network with other members.
  • Host Sessions: Once you feel confident, consider organizing your own sessions or workshops to share your expertise with the community.

Step 6: Give and Receive Feedback

  • Feedback Loop: Engage in constructive feedback with peers. Offer insights on their contributions and be open to receiving feedback on your input as well.

Your participation is crucial for fostering a supportive community dedicated to exploring the various uses of AI. Whether you contribute as a basic member or aspire to become a mentor or knowledge manager, every effort counts. We look forward to your active engagement and contributions!

Levels of Engagement


  • Role: As a basic member, you can participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your thoughts on AI topics.
  • How to Contribute: Regularly post in forums, reply to discussions, and share useful resources or articles.


  • Role: Mentors are experienced contributors who have consistently provided valuable feedback and insights. They help guide discussions and foster a positive learning environment.
  • How to Contribute: To become a mentor, engage deeply with the community, provide thoughtful responses, and volunteer to help others with their queries. If you’ve demonstrated thought leadership, you may be nominated or apply to become a mentor.

Knowledge Managers

  • Role: Knowledge managers curate and maintain resources within the AI library, ensuring that all members have access to high-quality content.
  • How to Contribute: If you have a knack for organization and knowledge sharing, consider volunteering as a knowledge manager. You’ll review, add, and organize resources and create guides or tutorials based on community needs.


  • Role: Administrators manage the community platform and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
  • How to Contribute: If you have technical skills or a background in community management, consider reaching out to express your interest in becoming an administrator. Help oversee community guidelines, troubleshoot issues, and improve user experience.


  • Role: Sponsors are a vital contributor to this CoP. Sponsors keep us up-to-date on their AI products and initiatives. They also contribute necessary funding to operate the site and provide rewarding opportunities for our community to engage with challenges. We encourage open dialogue with sponsors to create a bridge between theory and practice.
  • How to Contribute: Reach out to us at Flying Cloud Solutions to become involved as a sponsor. We are offering a membership rate to allow you to have a standard profile and engage with the community. There are also upgrades to sponsor challenges, news articles, and sponsored library entries as well as other website branding and advertising.
